- DevBlog

Notes on my discoveries and experiments in web development.

TIL: Hashing data in the form of a UUID

Today I Learnt... that UUIDs v5 could also be used to create unique reproducible identifiers for various forms of data.

A quick trick I learned today as I was working on a codebase related to the awesome Wagtail CMS.

When we need to get a unique digest of some data - that will be the same over time if we apply the same function to the same data later on, while hiding what the original data was - we usually look at the classic hash functions such as SHA-1, HMAC and such...

However, it turns out that we can also use UUIDs for such a purpose - which gives us a piece of data that is both a digest and an UUID, which can be quite handy! 🙂

The original trick is there, in the Wagtail code: (note that it might be a trick that I was aware of but that that is commonly used elsewhere, of course)

Quick check

We can check that in a quick Python shell:

import uuid

# Generated previously with `uuid.uuid4()`
# --> we can now hard-code it in our code to get consistent hashes from here:
hash_base_uuid = uuid.UUID("e1fb6cc4-4843-4433-91a7-f7639640cb8d")

# Let's create some dummy data we want to create hashes for:
data_to_hash_1, data_to_hash_2 = "little bobby", "tables"

hash_1_round_1 = uuid.uuid5(hash_base_uuid, data_to_hash_1)
# --> hashing "little bobby" with this base UUID will *always*
# gives us `UUID('218fde61-5b70-5a33-9e0a-daa7f2a7c388')`

# Hashing the same data again:
hash_1_round_2 = uuid.uuid5(hash_base_uuid, data_to_hash_1)

# Hashing the same data does give us the same digest-as-a-UUID:  ✅
assert hash_1_round_1 == hash_1_round_2

# Now hashing another bit of data
hash_2_round_1 = uuid.uuid5(hash_base_uuid, data_to_hash_2)
# --> hashing "tables" with this base UUID will *always*
# gives us `UUID('189a5a73-6e52-5885-ba68-8432f5632e2d')`

# Hashing different data does give us different digests-as-a-UUID:  ✅
assert hash_1_round_1 != hash_2_round_1

Potential vulnerability

According to the Python documentation of the uuid module, it's a SHA-1 hash that will be used behind the scenes. This is way better than the other algorithm that can also be used according to RFC 4122, which is the much weaker MD5.

However, SHA-1 seems to be potentially vulnerable to some attacks nowadays, so I reckon it might not be something to use when the hashed data is susceptible to be attacked by brute-force? (user passwords, etc.)