- DevBlog

Notes on my discoveries and experiments in web development.

'From scratch to online in production' in a single day, with Django - Part 3

My "Rapid Application Development" process to build a web app and deploy it live in a single day with Django - part 3/3.

Prototype is working, now it's time to deploy it

In part 1 we saw a way to set up a Django project in a quite generic way, that can be used for any kind of project.

In part 2 I explained a bit how I structure my Django projects, based on HackSoft's Django Styleguide with just a slight personal deviation on top of it.

After this I quickly set up an HTML/CSS user interface, rendered by Jinja templates and powered by the Bulma CSS framework - which is quite good for rapid prototyping.

After a few quick tests I had a working prototype around 4pm πŸ•“, for this project started the same day at 9am. Which means I had about one more hour to deploy it to production to meet my goal! πŸ˜… *rolling up his sleeves for the home straight

Deploying a Django app to Heroku, with a free plan

Heroku no longer has the great reputation it used to have back in the days, but I still like it and tend to still choose it as my primary deployment target in my commercial projects, as it still comes with some really strong benefits:

  • Deploying a project is just a matter of doing git push to the Heroku git remote
  • Rolling back to a previous version is just a click on their dashboard - or a command with their CLI client
  • Postgres and Redis are builtin and fully managed
  • Review Apps are still pretty amazing ✨ : a push to a branch (or the creation of a PR) automatically spawns a new environment for this branch, with its own database - that will be destroyed automatically when we're no longer using it. This really is a critical feature to me, as it allow project managers to test a new feature or a bugfix before it's merged, without having to spend days and days setting up and maintaining such a process manually.

It's possible to deploy Docker images, but one can also rely on open source buildpacks, which are basically pre-configured setup scripts that install the software we need for a given stack. There are buildpacks for Python, Node.js, Ruby, Go, PHP, Java... Buildpacks can have framework-specific steps, such as running the collectstatic Django command automatically if Django is detected in the project πŸ‘Œ

However, the fact that I'm using Poetry to manage my Python dependencies is an edge case that the Python buildpack doesn't handle, so we have to use a trick to make this work πŸ˜…

Deploying a Poetry-powered Python project to Heroku

A few years ago I had the need to add some custom steps to the deployment of a Django project, and by inspecting the source code of the Python buildpack I found this in the compilation script:

# Experimental post_compile hook. Don't remove this.
source "$BIN_DIR/steps/hooks/post_compile"

...which in turns triggers this script:

if [ -f bin/post_compile ]; then
    echo "-----> Running post-compile hook"
    chmod +x bin/post_compile
    sub_env bin/post_compile

Right, so if there is a bin/post_compile file in the git repository it will be executed by Heroku after its own "compilation" step... That sounds like a good target for my custom deployment steps! πŸ™‚

My bin/post_compile script

Here is the quick Bash script I made a few years ago, and that I've been copy-pasting from project to project since when I deploy them to Heroku:

# file: /bin/post_compile

# Heroku "hidden" post-compilation hook
# (had to dig into the Heroku Python build pack source code to find that :-)
set -eo pipefail
echo '**** CUSTOM HEROKU PYTHON BUILD PACK "bin/post_compile" HOOK'

indent() {
  sed "s/^/       /"

puts-step() {
  echo "-----> $@"

puts-step "Installing dependencies with Poetry..."
poetry config virtualenvs.create false 2>&1 | indent
poetry install --no-dev 2>&1 | indent

puts-step "Collecting static files, now that Whitenoise is installed..."
python src/ collectstatic --no-input 2>&1 | indent

# Any other custom step can go here :-)

So in this script I simply add a custom step where I install my dependencies with Poetry, and once it's done I trigger the collectstatic Django command. It's easy then to add other custom steps to this script, depending on the project.

To get this work we only need to do these 2 things beforehand: :octicons-checklist-24:

  • Still have a root requirements.txt file - so that Heroku automatically recognises a Python project - and specify one single dependency there: Poetry itself.
     # file: /requirements.txt
     # This is only required to satisfy Heroku's Python build pack,
     # which doesn't handle Poetry (yet?).
     # The real dependencies install will happen in the "bin/post_compile" file.
  • Ask the buildpack to not try to run collectstatic itself in its own compilation script: in production we serve our static assets with WhiteNoise, but this package is installed with Poetry later on in our bin/post_compile script and would not be found at the time when the builtin compilation script is triggered. Thankfully, the buildpack's documentation explains how to opt-out from this compilation step, simply by setting the DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC environment variable. Which can be made via the Web dashboard or the Heroku CLI:
    heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1

Limitations of the Heroku free plan

As every free plan, Heroku's one come with some limitations.

  • The Postgres database is limited to 10,000 max rows, 1GB max storage and 20 connections at a time (details here). For this "Gin Rummy leaderboard" these limits are not a problem πŸ™‚
  • The app itself is put into "sleep" after 30 minutes of inactivity, and waking it up typically takes a few seconds. That's obviously a very annoying restriction for "real" projects πŸ˜… However, in this case this is just a simple Web page that will only record the Gin Rummy scores of the games I play with my partner, so having to wait a few sec for recording the first score when we start to play a few rounds is not a big deal.

With real commercial projects I tend to start with the free plan, so project managers can start using the project as soon as possible - and we migrate to paid plans only when we need to.

Using the app

By picking Heroku, a platform I'm familiar with, I was able to have this "Gin Rummy leaderboard" Django app online in production around 5pm; we started to record our first scores there an hour later when we met at the pub. 🍻 I typed django-admin startproject at 9am, and used the project in production at 6pm - challenge accomplished! ...and it was really fun to give myself this constraint πŸ™‚

Addendum: deployment to

Out of curiosity, a few days later I also implemented the deployment of the Django project to - which is a platform I wanted to try for a while.

I just had to create a Dockerfile for my app, and then follow their documentation to deploy my Docker image to their infrastructure and link a Postgres database to it. Despite the fact that it was the very first time I was using it, one hour later I had my instance running - which tells how straightforward deploying an app to is! πŸ™‚

My quick fly.toml file looks like this:

app = "[the name of my app]"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = []

  PORT = "8080"
  DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "project.settings.flyio"

  internal_port = 8080
  processes = ["app"]
  protocol = "tcp"
  script_checks = []

    force_https = true
    handlers = ["http"]
    port = 80

    handlers = ["tls", "http"]
    port = 443

    interval = 15000
    grace_period = "5s"
    method = "get"
    path = "/"
    protocol = "https"
    restart_limit = 0
    timeout = 1000
    tls_skip_verify = false

  guest_path = "/app/staticfiles"
  url_prefix = "/static/"

And contrary to Heroku, the app doesn't sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. πŸ‘Œ The only downside is that although I'm using their free allowance I had to give my credit card πŸ’³ detail to before being able to deploy my first app - which is not the case with Heroku.

My quick "Django project" Dockerfile

There are plenty of resources on the Web to create fine-tuned Dockerfiles for a Django project, but here is the one I quickly set up to deploy this side project to


FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION} AS build

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    python3-pip \
    python3-venv \
    python3-dev \
    python3-setuptools \
    python3-wheel \
    libpq-dev \
    && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN pip install poetry

RUN mkdir -p /app

RUN python -m venv .venv

COPY pyproject.toml poetry.lock ./
RUN poetry install --no-dev

FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim AS run

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    libpq5 \
    && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN mkdir -p /app

RUN addgroup -gid 1001 webapp
RUN useradd --gid 1001 --uid 1001 webapp
RUN chown -R 1001:1001 /app
USER 1001:1001

COPY --chown=1001:1001 --from=build /app/.venv .venv
COPY --chown=1001:1001 . .


RUN SECRET_KEY=does-not-matter-for-this-command DATABASE_URL=sqlite://:memory: \
    .venv/bin/python src/ collectstatic --noinput


CMD [".venv/bin/gunicorn", "--bind", ":8080", "--workers", "2", "project.wsgi"]

There is of course room for a lot of improvement there, but this quick multi-stage Dockerfile creates a 220MB image which is not too bad πŸ™‚