- DevBlog

Notes on my discoveries and experiments in web development.


Iā€™m Olivier, a passionate web developer; this is a website where I share my discoveries and things I've learnt through my years coding.

Iā€™m French, spent my young years in the Bordeaux and Annecy areas, and as soon as I finished my 2 years at uni I moved to Paris šŸ’™... where I stayed for 16 years.

In 2017 I moved to the beautiful city of Edinburgh, where I'm currently still living. šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ

On the technical side of things...

I started my career working for web agencies with Flash and PHP. For a few years my job was to build silly little games šŸ•¹ļø in Flash - it was tons of fun!

I had the opportunity to also use other technologies over the years to build various types of projects: Ruby On Rails, Zend Framework, Drupal, Java, Perl, TCL/Tk...

However, in the last few years I've been narrowing my field of expertise to the following areas:

My resume already presents my technical skills and interests, but long story short: these last few years I've been primarily focusing on the following technologies: Python, Django, TypeScript, Node.js and React.

For my side projects I like using "simple enough" technologies, that just gets the job done quickly: Django, SQLite, Tailwind CSS...

Side projects

ZakuChess, my open source wb game ā™Ÿ

If you're a casual chess player like me (my ELO must be around 1000, so yeah pretty casual šŸ˜„) you can have a go at the open source game I built:

This blog

This blog started as a bunch of Markdown files thrown into a Material For MKDocs template, before blogs were even supported by the platform.

But as I kinda like having more control over what I'm using, I ended up rebuilding it from scratch using Django, on top of which I added my own "static generation" layer.

I know there are already such generators in the wild, but I enjoy building that kind of tool so I did it anyway šŸ˜„.

If that sounds of any interest to you, you can find the source code of this blog on Github.

My resume

For the same reason, I also built my own "static generation" layer to create my resume.

Pretty much the same tools I used for this blog, with less pages (I only have one, in 2 languages) but an extra feature to generate a PDF version of it.

You can find the source code of my resume generator on Github.

Me on the vast internet

You can find me on Github, LinkedIn and Mastodon.